Thursday, March 17, 2011




external for final....
i was soooo damn nervous on that day...
wondering what kind of assessor are we going to meet...
cool?fierce?irritating?or handsome>.<?
when i saw the 1st assessor....
OMG...i was like "SHIT THE NIE
CUTOUT magazine art director....
my magazine ads on CUTOUT was like not as good as the actual one...
waiting for my turn to present~emm...
overall it's okay^^satisfied with my presentation & opinion from assessor~
after that heading to Pavillion...
Snowflake with classmate...yum yum..
NOT being a good girl...
taking cold snowflake...
fai gor...look cute>.<
i thought he is like those gangster style~
xiao yu & charlene dear^^
candy dear^^
what a sweet memories of all of us~
will always miss this>.<
always miss school life & sweet sweet people like u guys...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Bento day

just a short update about normal school day...
get myself prepare n off to college...
for cyber law 4 hours class >.<
bento day^^
ordered BENTO from Melody Homemade bento...
what a delicious 1~
Bento of the day...
Rose mary chicken with almond raisin rice~

everyone is enjoying the Bento set^^
and we found out that's hot dog worms in the bento...
kawaii ne~

Thursday, March 3, 2011

grandma's birthday....
night need to do the preparation...
woke up early in the morning and off we go^^
on the way to fetch grandma...

Baby is the driver of the day~
He didn't meet grandma long time ago...
Grandma miss him>.<
bring grandma to Marco Polo...
the dim sum buffet~
Grandma love dim sum sooo much^^
she's so happy...
grandma though we forget her birthday...
she's gonna be sad...
she says nobody remember her birthday anymore....
oh...she's wrong..we do remember...
definitely never miss out aunty Sharon>.<
dim sum too
love siew mai & har gao^^
enjoy the meal so much~
saw grandma enjoy her dim sum makes me feel so happy to..
surprisingly she ate 3 char siew pao & lots of dim sum~
we ate for more than 2 hour...
it's extremely full...
off we go & fetch grandma back^^
after that we went to MBO for a movie with mummy...
watched I'M NUMBER FOUR...
OMG...mummy's movie ticket is only cost RM5...
cause of senior citizen>.<

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