Thursday, March 3, 2011

grandma's birthday....
night need to do the preparation...
woke up early in the morning and off we go^^
on the way to fetch grandma...

Baby is the driver of the day~
He didn't meet grandma long time ago...
Grandma miss him>.<
bring grandma to Marco Polo...
the dim sum buffet~
Grandma love dim sum sooo much^^
she's so happy...
grandma though we forget her birthday...
she's gonna be sad...
she says nobody remember her birthday anymore....
oh...she's wrong..we do remember...
definitely never miss out aunty Sharon>.<
dim sum too
love siew mai & har gao^^
enjoy the meal so much~
saw grandma enjoy her dim sum makes me feel so happy to..
surprisingly she ate 3 char siew pao & lots of dim sum~
we ate for more than 2 hour...
it's extremely full...
off we go & fetch grandma back^^
after that we went to MBO for a movie with mummy...
watched I'M NUMBER FOUR...
OMG...mummy's movie ticket is only cost RM5...
cause of senior citizen>.<

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