Friday, October 8, 2010


Wanted to post this few days ago...
but sorry cause facing some network problem...
Hanging out & chit chat with an old friend again...
Having my brunch at Pavillion Dragon-i...
it's my outfit of the day~
t-shirt with short jeans...
Love♥ ♥ ♥ chinese food especially dim sum^^
at the same time,i also like the deco there...
Their military force statue is so cool~

this is the mini military behind my seat~
from bottom to top of the celling of the restaurant..
feel like taking it back home...
well beside the statue...
environment inside is so peace^^
even outside have lots of people walking around...
but sitting inside is so relax~
There's some appetizer while u sat down^^
steamed peanut~
not bad not bad...
 the red red menu^^
 after viewing all the menu^^
had ordered our food...
yeah yummy yummy...
chinese tae^^
which goood for digestion...
must have it for so many meat^^
below was my mee^^
the chinese ramen with wantan...
wohoo...i love the's like dumpling...
i'm having delicious wantan...
but my friend is having plain ramen...
feel so bad...but he's having vegetarian...
such a gud boy~
his plain chinese ramen...

next is the tau fu...
the cube is tau fu>.<
actually i hate tau fu so much...
i dont even wanted to have a bit on it..
but since that Victor said it's so delicious & special..
just have a bite...'s really...can't mention..
just have a try & u will noe~
yeah yeah^^
next was my favourite food...
i love dumpling so so so so much~
dim it with ginger + vineger... taste good^^
dim sum^^
yipee...what a cute red bean paste pao...
it's too cute for me to bite on it...
he ordered too many dish for me...
i'm so full...
so many food on the table...
in the end..
i still finish it...
pity piggy~
just taken some pic with the lovely adorable piggy pao^^

end of the story~
reached college to have my final campaign & cyber law class~


  1. i tried dragon-i food also~but not really nice~><"

  2. ya kah?u try which outlet?pavillion 1 not bad wat~


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