Tuesday, February 8, 2011


the 1st day of CNY^^
happy..can't wait to meet my family..keke~
out fit of the day~
the whole set is also bought at Sg.wang >.<
i love the flora...make me feel more like a girl^^
John moo~
same... beige colour >.<

this year gonna celebrate without Joseph...
sad T.T
on the way to mid valley for the movie ticker >.<
Green Hornet~
Little JOJO the cute baby~
new born baby of the 6th uncle >.<
baby sister 1~

mua, aunt & sister...
never meet sister long time ago>.<
glad to meet her this year^^

the girls~
the guys...
uncle & mua~
young sista...Miko~
after our brunch..we went to Mid Valey for movie>.<
after movie John, Elizabeth & mua went to DELIcious for dessert^^
Hot chocolate pot with mashmarrow... 
it's always the best choice for me~
peace pie^^
really delicious...
pudding bread>.<
the 1st day just ended like tis>.<
time past soooo fast~

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