Sunday, January 16, 2011


It's not somebody else birthday...
it's not a special day...
just a normal weekday...
have a relax with Charlene dear and bought something for our final decoration^^
outfit of the day...
i dont like the layer hair cut...makes me look weird~
meet dear at
had my brunch at T-bowl~
Honey lemon which have no honey taste...
Chicken soup which look very big different with
the illustration on menu~
my tom yam ramen>.<
the only so so food..
Xiao yu came late...
always very very late geh>.<
His new hair style and colour...
for me i think it's not bad...
i like his skin cut^^
Tom yam fried rice...
looks good~
after that we went to sing k...hehe`
zaible , mua...
everytime sing k will never miss out all those capture~

Xiao yu & Charlene
Xiao yu , mua...
it's my first time singing k with 7 zai,my college junior~
i don't know y people call his as 7 zai...
he knows magic???
the guys...
the girls...

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