Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 3~♥

Day 3 of SG...gonna change a style to write my post~everything change...but can i change my life?okay stop..i'm out of tittle...
The 3rd day we are off to bugis...the shopping spree^^yeah..
it's the outfit of the day with my dear Charlene...
My top: Bugis^^, Legging: Time square
Both of us wore legging cox it's the most convenience to bring along travel & easy to match~
Well..make up takes lots of time but finally we are done...turn for us to wait for 
MISS xiao yu...
he really much more slow than us...mimi momo we take our breakfast 1st^^
The Natural yeast bread~it's one of my favorite when i was working at SG for the last few months...Candy dear and i bought it even for dinner too~Falling in love~
Purple potato paste was xiao yumi one...I hate red bean..i dislike red bean dessert..but i'm a weirdo..i love red bean paste so much...pls forgive me... 
Finally we are out to the MRT starts our journey of the day~At Pioneer's fxxking far~feel uncomforted every time i take pic at Mrt station...but...i'm still doing that >.<
of cause never miss out our dear Xiao yu~
Camera capture every minutes memories in we are really loving cam-whore...for me~my life can't live without Camera & Music... 
everywhere...everything...every single moment which is worth it..must capture~cause time will never turn back...once we miss will never come back for cherish every person right next beside me & appreciate everything around~
Xiao yu was our camera boy^^

Finally we are there for almost half an hour~Meet up with Candy at Bugis station...cause she's living at Thiong Baru...Sorry for the wait..we had our 1st appetizer ...the japanese BBQ stick~TORI..I love this too...the 1st time trying this was Mr.Joe treat's really yummy^^carving for it...LOL!!!

taste good with it~Out of Bugis Junction building...walk to Bugis's really crowded...lots of people there...even family, aunty,uncle and many many more...i tot it's only for teenagers but act not~ 
Well the building next to it was Iluma...a very nice & comfort place...a memorable place where i used to, dessert, drinks, shop...everything happen inside..really miss those time...Really~
It's really out of my mind..i didn't know that i'm going to try on a wig...thinking to change a new hair style but everytime i cut my hair short i will definitely regret & even cry for it...till now i always want my long long hair back...altho my hair grow fast but i still miss my long long 2010 my hair was like long>short>long >short>long....been trying diff hair cut but i still prefer long^^
Makes me feel safe with it..
The bob wig we bought...altho i tried the bob hair style before but it doesn't look as nice & bob as the wig...why?cause it's wig nia~they are made from's lil scary when we take it off..make me flash back the Korea movie scene-The wig...It's a ghost movie~scary...
We are really carving for food & exhaust...Mr.Joe & Xiao yu have the same idea of bring us to try out the famous Fish noodle near Bugis Junction~
The taste is not bad...but i still prefer Ubi one^^the stall which located just right down my ex-company...Candy and i can eat that everyday without feeling fed up at all...cause it's really delicious...
i'm freaking worn out....if can i hope to sleep~
The sweet couple...Mr.Joe join us half way...

Candy: "Can u meet me half way..."

After the lunch we have to rush back to Pioneer & pack our stuff move to Climentis...(if not mistaken)
Cause Xiao yu's aunt were really fierce..Lol!!! Charlene dear & i move to my bro's's really big...we love the bed...cox very comfort...Sorry to my bro for the mess up on Christmas eve...
He is planning to have dinner my cousin bro-John but becox of us....he can't join them for dinner..i just keep on apologize to him...
We are preparing to go for the countdown party at butter factory...but it's really a long long long we change our mind to some club at CQ...forget his name...cox i'm not going to there anymore...i still like power house^^
For the rest of the time pic was not with me...can't post it & share it...
will try to get it from Xiong Bo>.<

Enjoy the whole day...
love from Niko.

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