Thursday, January 6, 2011

Candy dear's birthday celebration

Candy dear birthday celebration...
hehe... growing old ad~
it's 22 years old my dear...
time pass... everything change~
we make the celebration 2days earlier...
cause she might be busy with her Mr.Joe...
outfit of the day...
Top: Cotton on >.< (can't wait to wear it...)
Scarf: Fox Men 
Charlene & i planed to sing k at Green Box...
with the lovely birthday girl^^
invited Maya too...
cause we didn't meet her since she graduate...
we used to hang around when we r in the same class~
Suyi,candy's younger sista is here too~
she's cute^^
Ah fei & Zaible~
of cox never miss out Xiao Yu dear^^
pity him sick but have to come too~ 
the spaghetti he show is really sucks...
never eat be4 such spaghetti >.<
a word "YULK" for it...
never sing k with her long time ago...
the last was her 2010 birthday~
Candy & i come bck from SG to celebrate for her...
 Hait band with love from Maya...
thx maya dear for the gift from Taiwan^^
Random picture with them...
not much pic cause everyone is busy singing & gather...

We bought a cake for her^^
asked the staff to send in when it's 2o'clock...
Happy Birthday Candy dear^^
1st have to make a wish as usual~
then blow the candle...
mission done^^
wishes has been send to god and it's under process~
Birthday kisses from suyi & maya~
sweet sweet sweet^^
Hope my dear can always stay pretty(the most important one...)
& sweet with her love 1~XD
A birthday kiss for her...
Charlene too^^
Zaible feel jealous?
Xiao yu...
don't know where he go...
miss out the cut cake secession~
The girls..
Suyi,Charlene,Candy,Mua & Maya~
The guys...
Zaible,(top)Fei, & Xiao yu
after that we went to Yao Yat Chun to have our lunch..
but it's brunch for me...>.<
Hong Kong style milk tea~
Emm...make me think of Xin Wang milk tea at SG...
Charlene dear told me that she hope she's still at SG...
Hong Kong style milk tea~
My dear...he only drink sky juice~
yummy honey rosted chicken mee^^
Xiau yu's rice...
dont't know what is tat~
Charlene dear's bread~
Zaible's yao ma dei rice~
Ah fei chicken rice
Candy & Suyi's share soup...
After our brunch...going for Cyber law class...
haih...dare not skip class...
but boring~

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