Sunday, January 16, 2011

the last day

The last day at SG...
and this is also the last post about it..sorry dears...
i'm kinda late~
early in the morning have our brunch with my bro-Wicky wong
get ourself prepare before bro came back from basketball...
it's our outfit...
inside the cab on the way~
camwhore time~
dear charlene~
i love this suit...
never regret of buying it^^
kiss of the day~♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ 
finally we reach the place...
it's somewhere near bro hostel~
Didn't know what to eat...
the taxi driver suggest to take our brunch at C-jade...
Bro decided to eat there too~
waiting for food...
with brother^^
didn't meet him for a long long time..
thank you for the brunch gor~
this is actually dessert..
but they serve as starter 1st...
Charlene dear doesn't like it..she say taste weird..
it's ok for me^^
dim's my favourite..
but can't manage to finish it..
cox bro order too many food>.<
siew mai..siew mai...
the best dim sum~
the 3 various meat~
bro order :roasted pork叉烧+ Simmer fried pork烧肉+ suckling pig乳猪
yummy yummy...
craving for it >.<
it was really crispy & delicious~
it's my la mian with chicken chop...
dear;s porridge...
last is this tau fu...
spicy tau fu~not bad..taste good..
my 1st try was at Dragon-i..
one of my primary friend treats me..
all of us^^
capture by charlene...
monkey face (>.<)
Once again thank u to my lovely bro...
he help's a lot...
after that it's Daiso section...
shop for only SGD2...
always $2~
after Daiso it's COTTON ON again~
seriously we spend a lot on cotton on...
but it's really cheap>.<
this is girs^^
after that it's time to say bye bye...
leaving SG~
we took bus to JB & bought our ticket there...
Below was all the random pics while waiting for bus:

Xiao yu get his Blackberry...
now he can 24hours on his Facebook & Twitter...
Candy dear...
company Mr.Joe for many days >.<
she have no time fro us...
New screen saver for my i-phone...
capture this with the apps Hipstamatic...
recommended by John Moo~
love the effect..similar with Lomo...

Trip ended...
it's time to restart our final life...
hope to finish it soon..
waiting to go SG for new life~^^'s waiting for the New year trip with 
Yvonne & Adeline...

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